..for miners on the Stacks blockchain.

Price sat/stx
Tx fees sat/byte

Maximum number of miners

Commit one miner sats/block
Tx costs
Commit all miners sat/block
Total costs
Rewards stx/block
Rewards sat/block
Max number of miners
Profit one miner sat/block

Excess value distribution

How is the excess value, i.e block reward minus all tx costs distributed between miners and stackers/burn accounts?
Number of miners
Total commit sat
Excess value sat
Excess value miner:stacker

Probability to win

Profit avg long term sat/block
Prob. to win (%)
Profit avg long term sat/block
Prob. to win (%)
Profit avg long term sat/block
Prob. to win (%)

Probability to make profit in a week

1 week = 1,000 blocks

Expected rewards
Prob. make profit (%)
Prob. get expected rewards
Profit avg
Prob to win (%)